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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Meet Steve

Today had an article about how the Maplewood Township Committee voted unanimously to pass a resolution calling on state legislators to sanction same-sex marriage (see below). The article noted that...
Prior to the vote, Mr. DeLuca issued a proclamation making June LGBT Pride Month, in recognition of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. A plaque was presented to Stephen Mershon, a representative of the Rainbow Families of Maplewood and South Orange.
I found Steve's number and cold-called him, and he graciously agreed to have me come over and take his picture. As is my wont, I messed about with my flash a bit, eventually getting the shot above. Then he offered me something to drink and I sat sipping grape juice while shooting the breeze with him and the son of his house-mate's cousin, who's visiting from Florida. We talked pies (it's rhubarb season... Mmmmm, strawberry rhubarb!... Mmmm, strawberry raspberry rhubarb!) and music and the various pleasures of South Mountain Reservation, the beautiful county park that borders both Maplewood and Millburn. In short, a fine time was had by all. Thanks to the first Steve on Meet Adam and Steve!

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